"It's a Scrapbook"
"It's a scrapbook."
"Yeah. I'm going to let you look at it, Lonnie," he said. "I don't want you to say nothing to nobody about it, you understand?"
"I ain't mouthy," I said. "You don't want nobody to know about your scrapbook, ain't nobody going to know."
"You're right about one thing," he said. "It is scrap. That's my life you got there in your hands. Scraps. Pieces of things stuck in an old book that nobody knows about."
I opened the book, and it was like one of those old black-and-white movies you see on television sometime. The pictures were almost all cut from newspapers, and were turning yellow. They were all about basketball games.
"This you?" I asked. "Spider Jones?"
(p. 57)
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